Embed Google Map in HTML — Copy & Paste

Generate Google Map and get HTML code for widget on your Website


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What people say

  • sales manager at a jewelry store. logo

    The thing of competition was the reason why I’ve embedded a map on my website. Well there are about 500 jewelry stores and workshops here around in the district. I wanted to be different, so I’ve pinned the store location and added it to the website. Seems to work!


    sales manager at a jewelry store.

    Birmingham, UK

  • event agency manager. logo

    Been working on a yearly festival outside Stuttgart. I thought an online map might help guests to find the festival, reach the location by car or public. Vic our designer added a Google map on the festival web page. 1map has a helpful manual on its website. I could add the map even alone. Thank you guys!!


    event agency manager.

    Stuttgart, Germany

  • barbershop owner. logo

    Wanted to make our website more useful, get more clients from it. I’ve redesigned it by myself, that’s not difficult on WordPress. Decided to add a map to website. I googled “google maps embed code” and found 1map. That was easy to add on the contact page. Thanks.


    barbershop owner.

    Toulouse, France

  • medical center receptionist. logo

    We’ve opened one more center quite far from the bus and tram stop. Every day I get calls from clients. They were asking how to find the center, that was a bit annoying. One of them said we should have a map on our site. I decided to try it and I nailed it! Thank you 1 Map for instructions, no navigating calls anymore.


    medical center receptionist.

    Naples, Italy


    • How to add Google map in WordPress?

      Map plugins are supported by WordPress, but it is also possible to manually embed a Google map into your website`s HTML. One will be able to do it at the drop of a hat without any prior knowledge of  programming or coding. Additionally, there is a video tutorial you can refer to. Let`s get started!

      Follow this simple guide on how to embed Google map in WordPress:

      1. In a bar under "What is the address to show on the map?" line type the address you want to insert into the wordpress. You can always use your current location, in which case make sure that the location parameter in your browser is set to on.
      2. Click the button GET CODE down below and copy the HTML address you`ll see in a popup window. Now everything is ready to insert Google map into Wordpress.
      3. Log in to your website and choose a place for your custom map to dwell.
      4. Turn on the editor’s mode and choose the Text tab.
      5. In the text field, paste the copied HTML code of the map. Switch to the Visual tab to view how the map will appear on the page.
      6. Save updates.

      Now you know how to add a map to Wordpress in a quick and easy way.


      Log in to your website and
      Was this information useful?
    • Embedding Google Maps onto your website takes only several minutes and a few quick steps.

      It can be used with any CMS (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Blogger or Squarespace) and does not require any programming or coding knowledge whatsoever. Also, embedding a map to your website does not require API key.

      Just follow our guide on "how to add google map to website":

      1. In the search bar enter the address you would like to pin on the map.
        Instruction How To Embed Google Map

      2. Switch on/off the Satellite mode.
        Embed Google Map Satellite View

      3. Customize parameters of the map to achieve the desired view: it's scale, width and height. Right after the changes are made, you will be able to see the Google map the way it will look on your web page when embedded.
        Size of Embedding Google Map

      4. Click on "GET CODE" button and copy the generated HTML code from the pop-up window.
        Embedding Code of Google Map

      5. Create an HTML-block for the map on your platform.

      6. Paste the generated code in the block and enjoy the Google map widget live on your page.

      A few more steps on how to add google maps in Joomla:

      1. In the System menu choose "Global Configuration" setting.
      2. Click on the "Site" tab -> "Site Settings", then choose "Default Editor" field and select "Editor-CodeMirror".
      3. Click Save, go to the page with an embedded map and enjoy.

      Also, there is no need to search the instruction on how to embed Google map in html using iframe, as you can simply follow the above mentioned steps.

      We've explained to you what to do with google map embed code and how to embed google map in html, so now you can add a map onto your website or platform and make its usage more simple.The users will definitely like the way they can build a route to any street or landmark.

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    • To make the process of embedding a google map in an email easy for you we have prepared a step-by-step guide.

      Please, follow a few easy steps described below to insert your customized google map in an email:

      1. Open Google Maps page in a browser.
      2. Enter the required address in the search box and click on the "Search" button.
      3. Copy the URL by right-clicking on the "Link" in the upper right corner of the map view; then choose option "Copy link location".
      4. Once you pasted the URL into the text of your email anyone you will send it to will be able to view the selected location on Google Maps and easily get directions from wherever they are.

      This guide will help you embed a Google map in Outlook email, Gmail or any other email service.

      Now you can insert your customized Google map into an email so you don't need to bother explaining the people how to get to the place.

      Note! Unfortunately, email does not support interactive Google map preview display. What you can do is to paste a direct link to the map following the tutorial or make a sсreenshot with a location depicted on a Google map and insert it into the text of your email as an attachment.

      To make the process of embedding a google map in an email easy for you we have prepared a step-by-step guide.
      Please, follow a few easy steps described below to insert your customized google map in an email:
      1. Open Google Maps page in a browser;
      2. Enter the required address in the search box and click on the "Search" button;
      3. Copy the URL by right-clicking on the "Link" in the upper right corner of the map view; then choose option "Copy link location";
      4. Once you pasted the URL into the text of your email anyone you will send it to will be able to view the selected location on Google Maps and easily get directions from wherever they are.
      This guide will help you embed a Google map in Outlook email, Gmail or any other email service.
      Now you can insert your customized Google map into an email so you don't need to bother explaining the people how to get to the place.
      Note! Unfortunately, email does not support interactive Google map preview display. What you can do is to paste a direct link to the map following the tutorial or make a sсreenshot with a location depicted on a Google map and insert it into the text of your email as an attachment.
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    • Nowadays, when it comes to checking an address or looking for a location, there is no question about what tool to use, as 70% of users will open Google maps on their devices and entrust this app with leading their way. Besides, 25% of them prefer this platform exactly because of it`s clear destinations.

      Let`s think about the reasons to embed Google maps onto your website:

      1. First and foremost we've already established that it is trustworthy, as it is chosen by most of the users from all around the world.
      2. Secondly, it will save your precious time, because you won`t have to spend hours giving directions to your guests or customers.
      3. It is more likely that your services will be chosen as having an interactive map on your website simply looks more professional then just a line with an address.
      4. Besides, having an access to a Google map widget, customers won`t have to leave your page.
      5. It is absolutely free of charge, easy and will be done in no time.

      Various businesses can benefit from using embedded maps on their page, be it a bakery or a plumber, toy store or a swimming facility. People will always prefer straightforwardness and accessibility, so why not benefit from it in a very simple way? Choose Google Maps and become a success.

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